Paulo Camasmie standing next to the bending machine. Describing how tubes are bent to make a frame. A man who talks with his hands. I approve.
Paulo talking about making 12 trikes per day. In the background Larry Varney working to capture the tour with his camera.
This is one of the "jigs" which hold the parts of the frame in place (from the outside in) for welding. Paulo indicates that this jig was one of the earliest he made.
Further beyond (in the middle of the frame) is a more recent jig which holds the frame from the inside out. It allows more of the welding to be done without moving the frame off the jig. It allows more effieciency in the manufacturing process.
Paulo shows how one tube is cut to exactly mate with the tube to which it will be welded (which mates where his hand is on the right of the picture).
Showing 4 "Pocket" frames ready for heat treating. The heat treating returns the metal to the original strength after being welded.
Paulo indicated that they looked hard at all of their equipment investments. Spending money where it matters most. The powder coat gun (on the yellow cart behind) was one item where they bought the best. It shows in the quality (and no doubt efficiency) of the powder-coat finish on the Catrikes.
Passing a powder-coated yellow "Pocket" frame around the group. We all marveled at how light the frame was, and how beautiful the finish on it was.
Paulo answering questions about the yellow Catrike Pocket frame he is holding.
Paulo talks about the importance of triangulation in the frame.
From left to right (and fromt to back) a yellow Pocket, a red Road and a green Speed frame. Each is ready to recieve the components and parts that will make a completed trike.
Everyone seemed interested in everything Paulo had to say about design, production, and business. There was discussion of Pros/Cons of trike vs. bike, aero advantages, component selection.
Neatly sorted bins of precision cut parts ready for assembly. The blue bin in the middle holds the water bottle mount that goes on the top of the boom tube.
More bins near the welding stations. Neat, organized and labeled bins.
The two celebrities in the room. Larry Varney front, Paulo Camasmie behind. Each the center of a discussion after the tour was over.