-attr attrib[=val]

Returns TRUE if the object has attribute attrib. If a specific value is also supplied for the attribute, TRUE is returned if the object both has the attribute and the attribute is set to value val. Both attrib and val are treated as patterns under shell pattern matching rules.


Returns TRUE if the object is a combination and has no tree below it.

-iname pattern

Like name except the match is case insensitive.

-iregex pattern

Like regex except the match is case insensitive.

-maxdepth n

True if the depth of the object in the tree is less than or equal to n.

-mindepth n

True if the depth of the object in the gree is greater than or equal to n.

-name pattern

True if the object name (not the full path, just the name) matches pattern. The evaluation is done according to shell pattern matching rules.

-path pattern

True if the object path matches pattern. The evaluation is done according to shell pattern matching rules.


Evaluates to TRUE - used to print out the path and name of the object.


Evaluates to TRUE - prints the pathname of the object to standard output, followed by an ASCII NUL character.

-regex pattern

True if the object path matches pattern. Pattern evaluation is done using Regular Expression matching.


Returns TRUE if an object has ONLY standard attributes associated with it. Standard attributes in BRL-CAD are:

-type pattern

Returns TRUE if the type of the object matches pattern. Pattern evaluation is done using shell pattern matching. Types recognized include: